Predstavljamo vam ručno rađene noćne lampe od drveta sa LED diodama. Ono što ih spaja su finese i oblici koji nadahnjuju. Bez mnogo napora, idealno se uklapaju u različite stilove uređenja savremenog doma, dajući mu dozu preko potrebnog šarma.
Jedno je sigurno, deca će ih prosto obožavati!
- Dimenzije: 30 x 28 x 5,5 cm.
- Napajanje: strujni adapter niskog radnog napona AC 100-240V – DC 5V. Radni vek dioda približno 10 000 H.
- Materijal: Prvoklasna čamova masivna ploča, led diode toplo bele 1,2W, beli kabl sa dimerom.
- Održavanje: prebrisati suvom krpom.
- Mogućnost kačenja na zid.
- Sertifikati: CE, RoHS
Naše LED lampe napajaju se strujnim adapterima niskog radnog napona što ih čini bezbednim i praktičnim za korišćenje u dečijim sobama. Zahvaljujući savremenoj LED tehnologiji lampe se ne zagrevaju i troše veoma malu količinu energije.
Sve naše lampe opremljene su dimerom tako da sami možete podesiti jačinu svetlosti. Uz najsjajniji režim rada čitaju se priče pred spavanje dok je prigušena svetlost dovoljno diskretna da lampa može raditi celu noć. Preko daljinskog upravljača možete podesiti tajmer na 30min, 60 min, 120 min ili 240 min rada. Nakon toga lampa će se sama ugasiti.
Za proizvodnju naših lampi koristimo drvo iz odgovorno gajenih šuma dok za završnu obradu biramo sertifikovane boje na vodenoj bazi. Zbog prirode materijala gotovo nije moguće napraviti dva identična proizvoda a veoma često su prisutne i sitne greške drveta kao što su čvorovi i sitne pukotine. To svaku našu lampu čini unikatom.
Dizajnirano i proizvedeno u Srbiji.
Dostava na teret kupca
We present to you handmade wooden night lamps with LEDs. What unites them are finesse and shapes that inspire. Without much effort, they ideally fit into different styles of decorating a contemporary home, giving it a dose of much-needed charm.
One thing is for sure, children will simply adore them!
Dimensions: 36 x 26 x 5.5 cm.
Power supply: power adapter of low working voltage AC 100-240V – DC 5V. The working life of the diode is approximately 10,000 H.
Material: First-class chamois massive board, warm white 1.2W LEDs, white cable with dimmer.
Maintenance: wipe with a dry cloth.
The possibility of hanging on the wall.
Certificates: CE, RoHS
Our LED lamps are powered by low-voltage power adapters, making them safe and practical for use in children’s rooms. Thanks to modern LED technology, the lamps do not heat up and consume very little energy.
All our lamps are equipped with a dimmer so that you can adjust the intensity of the light yourself. With the brightest operating mode, bedtime stories are read while the dimmed light is discreet enough for the lamp to work all night. Via the remote control, you can set the timer to 30 min, 60 min, 120 min or 240 min of operation. After that, the lamp will turn itself off.
For the production of our lamps, we use wood from responsibly managed forests, while for the finishing we choose certified water-based paints. Due to the nature of the material, it is almost impossible to make two identical products, and very often there are small defects in the wood, such as knots and small cracks. This makes each of our lamps unique.
Designed and manufactured in Serbia.